Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Relationship Among Working Memory

The general focus of this research is to examine performance in standard cognitive frameworks and online tasks. The researchers hope to examine the influence that math anxiety exerts on mathematical cognition and to identify the processing components that are so influenced. HYPOTHESIS: The higher the math anxiety, the lower the working memory capacity, the higher the probability to get a low performance. VARIABLES: IV – math anxietyDV –working memory capacity, performance The independent variable math anxiety is manipulated into three levels: high, medium, low. The level of anxiety is determined through the use of sMARS (short math anxiety rating scale) is a 25-item version of the most widely used measure of this construct, 98 item MARS. The sMARS assesses an individual’s level of apprehension and anxiety about math on a 1-5 Likert scale, asking for participants’ responses about how anxious they would be made by various settings and experiences. The depend ent variables —– working memory capacity and performance.Salthouse and Bobcock’s listening span (L-span) and computation span (C-span) tasks assessed participants’ working memory capacity by requiring them to store increasing numbers of words or digits in working memory while processing simple verbal or arithmetic tasks. In L-span task, participants hear a number of simple sentences, one by one, and must answer a simple question about current sentence before hearing the next. In C-span test, simple arithmetic problems replace the sentences then the participants give the answer to each problem, one by one, and must recall the last number in each of the several problems within that, in order.In experiment 2, participants see the problem and are timed as they produce its answer verbally. In experiment 3, participants were given the L-span and C-span plus they were given a letter transformation task to test working memory capacity and processes. In the perfor mance, examines through the results of the intensive working memory tasks. PROCEDURE: Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 CONCLUSION: The researchers concluded with two more general remarks. First, math anxiety is not epiphenomenon — it is not a cognitive appraisal about oneself that is unrelated to the nature of mental processing.For example, statistics students who do poorly on an exam claim that they become confused, are unable to focus on the task at hand, or keep thinking about how poor they are at math. Regardless of the subjectivity of these claims, they are entirely consistent with the researchers’ main result: Math anxiety disrupts the on-going, task-relevant activities of working memory, slowing down performance and degrading its accuracy. Second, the researchers note the positive effects of following advice with which this article began: that effect is an aspect of problem solving that deserves empirical attention.Cognitive investigations that include ind ividual difference characteristics like math anxiety are rare, yet may prove useful in gaining an understanding of domain-specific cognitions. Furthermore, it now appears that customary assessments of working memory span, especially those using arithmetic stimuli, are sensitive to at least two classes of influences: the central capacity and processing characteristics of the individual, to be sure, but also the transitory effects of anxiety in the testing situation.Given current and important efforts that relate working memory mechanisms to processes such as reading comprehension, memory retrieval, and the like, it would be sensible to consider the possibility that anxiety or other individual difference factors may be influencing both the assessments of individuals’ working memory span and their on-line performance. * The subjects were assigned to the treatment are mixed —- in experiment 1 the lower level undergraduate sychology classes were recruited and they are to re ceive a credit for participating, in experiment 2 they have some subject from experiment 1 and the additional subjects volunteered their participation in return for extra credit, while in experiment 3 did again get additional subjects which also undergraduate psychology graduates . * The researchers used ANOVA — column 3 of table 2 (page 228) presents the correlation between sMARS and the remaining variables, using math anxiety group (low, medium, high) as a between-subjects variable.They also used ANOVA two-way to see if the decline in capacity differed as a function of type of span task. * The objective of the study was realized for they have gathered two general remarks form their experiments and they have explained well the conclusions they have made regarding the relationship among working memory, math anxiety and performance.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Answers Pressure Ulcer

There are two main layers which make up the anatomy of the skin, the epidermis and the dermis. When pressure is applied to the skin the blood supply is cut off and the tissue becomes damaged. 2. There are three main types of force that cause damage to the skin through pressure. These are: . Direct Pressure 2. Shear or shearing force Friction or friction force 3. 3. How long does it take for pressure ulcers to start forming? It is different for each person, some are more susceptible than others.Previously people thought that pressure ulcers started forming after two hours, but this is now known to be inaccurate. 4. What risk factors make service users more susceptible to pressure ulcers? Give 4 examples. 1 . Age 2. Being under or overweight Moisture on the skin 4. Reduced mobility 5. Circulatory problems Lack of sensation 6. 7. Previous history of pressure damage 5. What areas on the body are common sites for pressure ulcer development? Give 5 examples. 1. Scalp 2. Shoulder blades 3. Elbows 4. Sacrum 5. Heels 6. Ears 7. Hips 8. An keels Answers (6-10) 6.Describe the method you would use to check skin for pressure damage. First look at all the areas which are common sites for pressure ulcer development for redness. If you find redness on the skin, feel the area with your hands to check for heat and press the area with your fingers to check for damage of the blood vessels. 7. How would you tell the difference between simple reddening of the skin and actual pressure damage? When you press the reddened areas, healthy skin will go white under your fingers and then return to its normal color, but damaged skin will stay red, which shows that the blood vessels are damaged. . In some cases people have had to have amputations and even died as a consequence of their pressure ulcer. True or false? True 9. What can you do to help prevent pressure ulcer development in service users? Give 3 examples.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company Law legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Company Law legislation - Essay Example 'A contract which purports to be made by or on behalf of a company at a time when the company has not been formed has effect, subject to any agreement to the contrary, as one made with the person purporting to act for the company or as agent for it, and he is personally liable on the contract accordingly.' The UK legislation provides that promoters are personally liable on pre-incorporation contracts, a reform of the common law position which made liability of the promoter dependent on the manner in which the contract was signed. (Mrs. Janet E. Morgan)2 As the company Beta Limited was not in existence, at the time the lease contract was entered into whether Sam being the promoter is liable on the contract depends on the capacity in which he purported to sign the lease contract. Since the contract was signed by Sam as promoter using the wordings "on behalf of Beta Ltd", it can be assumed that he signed the contract in his personal capacity and hence, he becomes personally liable, under the contract for any consequences. This position was confirmed by the court in the case of Phonogram Limited v Lane3 The position would be different if he has signed as "Beta Limited per Sam" then it amount to his signing on behalf of the company. In this case he will not be liable as he has signed on behalf of a company which does not exist. Liability of Beta Limited: Since the contract was signed by Sam using the words 'on behalf of Beta Ltd' the company does not become liable on the lease agreement as was decided in the case of Phonogram Limited v Lane However since the company has continued to pay the lease rent after occupying the premises it amounts to ratification of the action of Sam in leasing the premises on behalf of the Beta Limited entered into prior to incorporation. At the point when Gamma limited wants Beta Limited to quit it cannot pass on any liability arising there from to Sam under the plea that the contract is entered into prior to incorporation. Another example to illustrate this case is the decision In Newborne v Sensolid (GB) Ltd4 Here a contract was entered by the plaintiff company with the contract signed as Leopold the promoter as "Yours faithfully, Leopold Newborne (London) Ltd". The court held that neither the company nor the promoter could compel the defendant to enforce the contract as the contract was neither purported to be signed by the company nor the promoter. Yet another case that proves the invalidity of the contract if the company was not in existence at the time the contract was entered into can be seen in the case of Cotronic (UK) Ltd v Dezonie5 where Dezonie signed a contract for and on behalf of his company and unknown to him the company was struck off the register about years earlier. On knowing this that the company was no more in existence, Denzonie registered another company in the same name and tried to interpret s. 36c to his advantage. The court held that s. 36c would not be applicable as the case was relating to a company that had been formed many years before. The decision of the court in the case of Oshkosh B'Gosh v Dan Marble Inc and Another6 is also

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What role did women play in the Solidarity Movement during Communism Research Paper

What role did women play in the Solidarity Movement during Communism in Poland - Research Paper Example The thesis of the research to be undertaken is the assessment of the role that women played in the Solidarity Movement during Communism in Poland, particularly how they helped in abolishing Communism in Poland. The proposed research can prove to be significant to the government in establishing the potential in women as leaders and to artists as it can enable them make proper and informed judgments when depicting women’s resistance of communism in their works. In addition, it can provide students with useful information on the significance of women in abolishing of communism in Poland while scholars would have established research to further explore or expand upon the dethroning of communism in Poland. In a personal interview on December 22, 2000 by Levy and his co-authors, Biedak asserts that on introduction of the martial law, the military that took over rounded up and arrested most of the Solidarity’s leaders at a time they had come together for a significant meeting. They paid little attention to women in arresting them since their work, as the support staff of the men who signed their names to articles and made the speeches, was largely invisible. Having escaped arrest, seven women two days later undertook the first steps in the lengthy protest march that dethroned communism in Poland in the 1980s. They started Solidarity over as an underground organization and took upon themselves the crucial obligation of preserving its authority and voice thus preventing its vanishing. In their first meeting, while six of them sat down to find the way forward, one of them by the name Ewa Kulik, who Penn personally interviewed, took on the responsibility of contacting and finding any of the elected Solidarity leaders who managed to escape arrest. She found Kulerski first, then Bujak, both of whom had been hiding in homes in Ursus (Penn, 2006). During the time when the male leadership was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Law International Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law International - Research Paper Example This therefore makes the establishment of wholly owned subsidiary an alternative to consider. The legal risks Definitely Maybe will be exposing itself to if it embarks on export of Chocolates to China Some difference in law exist between China and UK and this is bound to affect important areas of business for Definitely Maybe. These areas include taxation, import procedures, currency dealings, agency distribution arrangements, protection of intellectual property and property rights. It is also important to understand that international laws and regulations in China could change and this could be applied differently from that of UK. This means that the interests if Definitely Maybe may be compromised if such changes are not friendly to foreign enterprises exporting their products or services to China. However, there is a way to overcome this potential threat. One of the best ways is for the business to draft a contraction in collaboration with a chine legal firm to ensure its interest s are taken care of (Exim Guru 1). China is very sensitive when allowing the importation of goods that are directly consumed by its people. The government is also very sensitive to lawsuits involving life threatening issues like production of harmful products. Definitely Maybe is therefore exposing itself to the risk of being sued for any harm that its chocolates could cause on the Chinese people.. If the company happens to conduct business with a customer who is not trustworthy and the customer fails to pay, the government does not intervene in any way. In addition, legal actions for the recovery of such debts is often expensive and even impossible. Because of this risk, Definitely Maybe must acquaint itself with the type of law and dispute-settlement procedure which the company will apply. Dealing with a different legal system increases the risks of a foreign company becoming confused and experiencing potential problems arising out of this. It is also worthy to note that the compa ny fails to enlighten itself on the responsibilities and issues surrounding the appointment of intermediaries such as distributor or agent, it could lead to unpleasant legal risks like legal disputes. Such legal issues are likely to arise if the company fails to follow the right procedure when appointing its intermediaries. The company must therefore obtain a list stating these issues and ensure they are included in its contract agreement, specifying the duties and rights of the parties involved. The best form of corporate entity that is ideal for Ultra-educators in China It is more significant for Ultra-educators to have wholly owned subsidiary in China as compared to operating through other corporate entities like a branch. One of the reason is that this form of corporate entity limits the liability of the parent company in UK in regard to the activities of its subsidiary in China. Unlike having a branch, there is some there is separation of legal corporate identities between the parent company and its subsidiary (Klein and Coffee 265). Because of this, the parent company is insulated and cannot be sued for the financial and legal issues of the subsidiary. If the company was to open a branch in China for purposes of physical presence, the parent company will totally liable to the legal and financial liabilities of its branch. This is because a branch is not recognised by Chinese law as an entity that is legally separate from its parent company. A wholly owned subs

Runic Alphabets in Scandinavia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Runic Alphabets in Scandinavia - Essay Example Sadly, the meanings of these symbols and their purpose are now lost. Like runes, they were believed to be used for divination and they may have strongly influenced the magical function of later runic alphabets (Smith 1996). Historians and anthropologists are uncertain about the early uses of runes. They may have been used as actual characters for writing. However, the name rune suggests that they were also used as mystical signs or symbols which possess powerful magic. Early Germanic literature bear testimony to the magical character of runes. The Edda, a series of poems, and folk songs to these modern days attest to the influence that runes have on humanity. In fact, the supernatural powers of runes are said to have not only influence, but can overcome natural and physical laws. Runes can summon rain or violent thunderstorms. They can break chains and shackles, or bind men into them. They can heal illness or cause someone to suffer disease. They could raise the dead from their graves. Warriors can become invincible with the help of runes, and cause his weapon to inflict mortal wounds to the enemy. Runes can make men mad, as they can also protect men from the deceitful designs of others. Runes are generally considered as of divine origin, since Odin himself, as related in the Edda, had to sacrifice his person in order to learn the secrets of the runes. Odin was also the foremost runemaster, according to Germanic literature, and was known to have used the stones to exercise personal revenge. Simultaneous with the magical use of runes, there is also evidence that they were used as a means of communication. These messages may have been popular or used in secret. Saga of Egill Skallagrmsson, his daughter Thorger apparently carved the Sunatorrek -- a beautiful poem on a runic staff or runakefli -- where Egill laments the death of his son. Stone monuments are also lasting evidence of the roles played by runes in olden times. These are more common in England and Scandinavia. Some of these monuments simply bear the name of a fallen warrior. Others relate his life and exploits. Since these runic inscriptions were often found in England and Scandinavia, it could be inferred that the use of runes for such purpose may be a later development (Ward & Waller, ed.). II. Discussion A. General Development and Transformation of Runes Runes are also known as Futharks, named for the first six letters in their alphabet, namely, F, U, Th, A, R, and K. The Elder Futhark has 24 letters, the Younger Futhark has 16 letters. Futhark was brought into England by the Anglo-Saxons and transformed into the 33-letter Futhorc, which accommodated the phonetic changes which occurred in Old English ( The runes of Scandinavia can be classified into three periods. They are also not related to the Futhorc of the Anglo-Saxon. The first period dates from around 175 A.D. to the 8th century. However, some evidence show that the period may have started much earlier, as far back as 50 A.D. This period is referred to as the Primitive Norse, and Christianity had not yet reached that far north. The language was called Primitive Old Norse for the Nordic Inscriptions and were in Germanic or Gothic languages in lands farther south. The language of this

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example This causes disagreements between the family members as everyone has different ideas on how the money should be used. They rent a house particularly in a white neighborhood, but they are not very welcome. This is evident by the way Karl Lindner the white neighborhood’s representative asks to buy them out with a very generous offer. At the end of the play, the family leaves with their pride of being black and refuse the money offered by the white people. This paper therefore seeks to analyze the play A raisin in the sun and show how racism was deeply rooted back in the 1950’s and the manner in which blacks always wanted to pursue the American dream where they would hope to have â€Å"life, liberty as well as the pursuit of happiness†. Looking at the social climate of the 1950s and 1960’s as displayed by the play, it is easy to see that black people lived in poor conditions as compared to white people. In this era, most of the public buildings in the white n eighborhood were full of racial segregation. White people did not mingle or live together with black people as they were thought to be of an inferior class. Many whites were also of the belief that by having black people in a white neighborhood, the value of their property would go down1. ... given in the year 1952 by the Women’s committee to end discrimination in the medical services, it was seen that there was a high connection between high death rates in black people and hospital segregation2. Still in the schools black children attended sub-standard schools as compared the white children. In most of the public schools together with colleges, racial segregation was rampant and blacks attained marginal education as compared to white children. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court in the year 1954 made a ruling using the Brown v. Board Education, that school segregation was not constitutional, it took quite a number of years for it to be implemented. In terms of the economic climate that the blacks faced during the 1950s, there was a lot of racial discrimination, which led to blacks getting very low paying jobs. After the Second World War, black veterans went back home so as to share their victory and live the American Dream. This however was not to be a reality for them as they were prohibited from settling in the upcoming suburbs. This is similar to the raisin in the sun play where Mama and her family are being asked to leave particularly because it is a white neighborhood. In the 1950’s black Americans have no choice but to live in cramped areas whereby even finding good jobs is equally hard. Unfortunately, candidates who are educated and are highly qualified for good jobs are not also lucky and they also face racial discrimination when the hiring process is on; for this reason, they have to settle for odd jobs. Black American population between 1940 and 1970 had drastically increased from 50 percent all the way to 80 percent. In the south, many black Americans lost both mining and share cropping jobs particularly due to the government investing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Alzheimer's Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alzheimer's Disease - Essay Example After a few minutes, she inquired again about my finals. This occurred throughout the conversation. I thought it was a quirk of age progression, but, as the months passed and the signs worsened, I learned just how bad it was. The following months were much the same, except the moments of memory loss increased and began to include repeated questions. It was difficult for me not to lose my patience as I found myself continually providing the same answers. My mother was growing increasingly frustrated at being unable to remember saying or asking something just minutes prior. It seemed that her entire mood had changed, and she went from pleasant to bitter. When she called me early one morning, she was raging with anger, so much to the point that it took some time to calm her down before I could find out what had upset her. She had gotten lost on her way to the grocery store, a trip that she had made weekly for as long as I could remember. Through my direction, she was able to get home, b ut then announced a new problem: she lost her keys. It only took moments to deduce that she had tucked them into her purse. It was after that experience that I persuaded my mother to see a doctor. The changes in her memory and mood had come too rapidly, and I stopped assuming that they were merely traits of aging. I accompanied my mother to her appointment, perhaps already aware on an unconscious level what the doctor would tell me. When he concluded that my mother was succumbing to the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, I was not as surprised as I had expected myself to be. The doctor informed me of the devastating journey ahead, so when I got home, I called my mother’s sister and we began to make preparations to ensure that my mother would have someone with her at all times to help her as more symptoms presented themselves. After I moved back home and my aunt followed suit, I was able to see the depths of the degeneration of my mother’s health. Living with her re quired constant care, and the tasks of keeping up with her were weighing heavily on my aunt. Only a few years younger than my mother, Aunt Carol was worried that she would soon develop Alzheimer’s. For her, watching my mother meant watching her potential future, and she often needed my support as we helped my mother with her daily chores and activities. The doctor had warned us what to expect as her Alzheimer’s progressed, but I was no less prepared to see the dramatic changes in my mother, once a healthy, lively individual. Her memory worsened, causing confusion, and simple activities such as getting dressed became arduous tasks for her. My aunt and I guided my mother as much as we could, but she was unable to cope with the new situation of her needing help with tasks that she had accomplished on her own for so many years. Her frustration grew and was only exacerbated when she could no longer recall what had initially caused her to become upset. When I would inquire i nto her mood, prompting her to think about her present condition, she would provide me with scenarios that had never occurred, and I knew that she was experiencing hallucinations. These changes, while harrowing to watch, had been easy for me to handle. It was when she stopped recognizing my aunt and I, constantly asking who we were and why we had rooms in her home, that the effects of Al

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interview - Essay Example Harris’ office. The moment I walked into the room, I could sense that the atmosphere was very relaxing. The room was spacious and let in plenty of light, and there was a fountain running in the corner. The room had been painted with nice, soothing colors. Ms. Harris said that the standard Army counseling sessions are 90 minutes long. She said that the most difficult thing about her job is trying to help someone whose families are constantly moving every two or three years. Ms. Harris expressed frustration with her job, saying that most of the time she feels like she is just putting a bandage on the situation and is not making any long-term impact. The one positive aspect of the program is that it is carried out in conjunction with the military; if the abuser doesn’t stick with therapy or show any improvement, they will be discharged from the military. So, if they do not bother to participate in the program, they won’t have a job. This gives military personal more incentives to work harder. She also stated that the hardest issue is to know if they really want to change or not. As military members, they are supposed to show military barring. Ms. Harris commented that it can be hard to break down these walls because of how the military trains them to think. The U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program is dedicated to the prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment of spouse and child abuse. The program provides a variety of services to all active duty soldiers, retirees, and DOD employees and their family members to enhance relationship skills and improve each individual’s quality of life. This mission is accomplished through a variety of groups, seminars, workshops, and counseling and intervention services. The programs that are offered through the Family Advocacy Program include the Exceptional Family Member Program, New Parent Support Program, Transitional Compensation Program, and Victim Advocacy Pro gram. The Exceptional Family Member Program caters for soldiers who have a family member with special needs. The program provides community support, housing, education, medical, and personnel services to affected family members of soldiers. On the other hand, the New Parent Support Program helps soldiers and family members who are either expecting a child or have a child or up to three years of age. The program provides home visits, play groups, and parenting classes for military families with young children. The Transitional Compensation Program supports spouses of soldiers who have either been court-martialed or have been found guilty of domestic violence or child abuse. The afflicted family member is eligible for medical and dental care for a period of up to 36 months. Payments are made monthly and vary upon the victim’s status to the soldier. Lastly, the Victim Advocacy Program provides support to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. This program is available 24/ 7 and allows victims to talk with trained professionals about their experiences. The treatment soldiers and their families receive include intervention and therapeutic services designed to prevent repetition of abuse and to restore the health of victims and innocent family members who have suffered physical or psychological damage from abuse. Treatment also may include crisis intervention, education programs, short-term counseling, marital

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Report Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Report Critique - Assignment Example The Turnaround group of analysts considered the six best performing companies in the industry, which is indeed a reasonable number to regard in compiling the report. This piece of writing analyses the way out given by the explanation compiled by the team. The Turnaround research team’s idea of rating Lions Gate Entertainment’s company as the low performing firm is dreadfully precise considering the corporation’s portfolio diversification, leverage level, profitability and market allocation. Nevertheless, the firm performs highly in video production compared to other competitors. The Turnaround team therefore considered the overall industry performance, which is exceptionally plausible. The first six companies in the Motion Picture and Video production industry occupy the market focus. The top six companies comprises of 91.2% market absorption and experiences a fierce competition amongst themselves abandoning Lion’s Gate Entertainment Company with only 4.3% of the market allocation (Davidson et al 1) . High profitability in this established companies are caused by various factors ranging from the barriers imposed by the existing firms, buyers bargaining power, medium supplier power and the economies of scale enjoyed by the firms. The financial capabilities of the top six Motion Picture and Videos production companies have enabled them to acquire highly developed technologies and burly promotional networks thus covering a wider market. The monetary competence boosts the medium supplier power by using celebrities and creative artists in their Video production thus attracting larger crowd. Investors’ self-belief is also elevated on these companies due to a first-rate standing enjoyed by the enormous companies thus encouraging investments. The need to focus on the taste and fulfillment of the population is additionally important in attracting a huge customer base as explained by the team (Davidson et al 2-3). Lions Gate Entertainme nt Corporation should embark on having a large risk tolerance portfolio, which eventually increases investors’ confidence, and widening customer base. However, the increase of portfolio does not directly raise customer base as claimed by the report. The Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation should increase its investment in production in order to increase their profit margin as explained by the team. The larger firms seem to be investing much in video production thus increasing their income. This can also apply in the Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation for higher profitability. The fact that Lions Gate Entertainment Company has lower cost of production is not adequate since the team further explains the higher debt to equity ratio, which directly affects the net profit of the firm. The shareholders do not enjoy the dividends because a larger amount of profit is used to pay the debtors. The Lions Gate Entertainment firm cannot therefore use diversification strategy properly d ue to its fiscal incapacity. Furthermore, the financial inability makes the corporation have a low cost budget, which cannot be interpreted as efficiency due to diseconomies of scale. Although, Lions Gate has expanded its portfolios, it experiences an overall net loss due to its unprofitable subsidiaries thus reducing its dividends. The team suggestion that the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Spanish Countries Essay Essay Example for Free

Spanish Countries Essay Essay Now that we are in the 21st century the idea of a global village is fast becoming a reality, it is vital that we enlarge our worldview and reach an understanding of, and appreciation for, the cultures of the other peoples who share the planet with us. As cultural beings, we are raised with an certain way of giving order to the world around us but I also believe that we should embrace the cultures of those around the world. Known for its beauty extravagant tourist’s attractions the Caribbean island of Cuba, a communist state, is a multiracial society with a population of mostly Spanish and African origin. The island is known as the Republic of Cuba. Cuba is just ninety miles south of Key West, Florida; therefore its climate is subtropical or temperate. The climate is between 70Â °f and 81Â °. Cuba has a dry season between November to April and a wet season between May and October. Having such wonderful weather regularly makes Cuba an ideal tourist’s hot spot. Beautiful beaches and hotels also make the island a more desirable place to be. When in Cuba, there are more than enough things to do. Spain is a country on the Iberian Peninsula, and surrounded on the north by France, and Andorra on the east by the Mediterranean Sea. The capital and largest city is Madrid has a population of 3,010,492. The Spanish people are essentially a mixture of the indigenous peoples. Their population includes a mixture of ethnicities such as Roman, Mediterranean, Suevi, Vandals, and Visigoths, Teutonic people. Known for its natural beauty and people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is the Republic of Costa Rica. Even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well. One unusual aspect of Costa Rica is that the country has no army and instead of a national hero being a general it is a young barefoot farmer. Costa Rica prides on the idea that they have gained through evolution what other countries have tried to attain through revolution.

Biography of William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Biography of William Shakespeare Essay It is known that he was born in April 1564 and that he died on 23rd April 1616 at the age 52. He was baptized on 26th April 1564. How fitting that the great English writer is so closely identified with the patron saint of England. Shakespeare had seven siblings. They were: Joan (1558); Margaret (1562); Gilbert (1566); Joan II (1569); Anne (1571); Richard (1574) and Edmund (1580). Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway when he was 18. She was 26 and she was pregnant when they got married. Their first child was born six months after the wedding. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had three children together – a son, Ham net, who died in 1596, and two daughters, Susanna and Judith. His only granddaughter Elizabeth – daughter of Susanna – died childless in 1670. Shakespeare therefore has no descendants. Shakespeare died a rich man. He made several gifts to various people but left his property to his daughter, Susanna. The only mention of his wife in Shakespeares own will is: â€Å"I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture†. The â€Å"furniture† was the bedclothes for the bed. Shakespeare was buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. He put a curse on anyone daring to move his body from that final resting place. His epitaph was: Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here: Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones. Though it was customary to dig up the bones from previous graves to make room for others, Shakespeare’s remains are still undisturbed. During his life, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets! This means an average 1. 5 plays a year since he first started writing in 1589. His last play The Two Noble Kinsmen is reckoned to have been written in 1613 when he was 49 years old. While he was writing the plays at such a pace he was also conducting a family life, a social life and a full business life, running an acting company and a theatre. Few people realize that apart from writing his numerous plays and sonnets, Shakespeare was also an actor who performed many of his own plays as well as those of other playwrights. During his life Shakespeare performed before Queen Elizabeth I and, later, before James I who was an enthusiastic patron of his work. Shakespeare’s profession was acting. He is listed in documents of 1592, 1598 and 1603 as an actor. We know that he acted in a Ben Jonson play and also in his own plays but it’s thought that, as a very busy man, writing, managing the theatre and commuting between London and his home in Stratford where is family was, he didn’t undertake big parts. There is evidence that he played the ghost in Hamlet and Adam in As You Like It. In Elizabethan theatre circles it was common for writers to collaborate on writing plays. Towards the end of his career Shakespeare worked with other writers on plays that have been credited to those writers. Other writers also worked on plays that are credited to Shakespeare. We know for certain that Timmons of Athens was a collaboration with Thomas Middleton; Pericles with George Wilkins; and The Two Noble Kinsmen with John Fletcher. Some scholars have maintained that Shakespeare did not write the Shakespeare plays, with at least fifty writers having been suggested as the â€Å"real† author. However, the evidence for Shakespeare’s having written the plays is very strong. Shakespeare is the second most quoted writer in the English language – after the various writers of the Bible. Suicide occurs an unlucky thirteen times in Shakespeare’s plays. It occurs in Romeo and Juliet where both Romeo and Juliet commit suicide, in Julius Caesar where both Cassius and Brutus die by consensual stabbing, as well as Brutus’ wife Portia. Some of Shakespeare’s signatures have survived on original documents. In none of them does he spell his name in what has become the standard way. He spells it Shakespere and Shakespear. Shakespeare lived a double life. By the seventeenth century he had become a famous playwright in London but in his hometown of Stratford, where his wife and children were, and which he visited frequently, he was a well known and highly respected businessman and property owner. The American President Abraham Lincoln was a great lover of Shakespeare’s plays and frequently recited from them to his friends. His assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a famous Shakespearean actor. Although it was illegal to be a Catholic in Shakespeare’s lifetime, the Anglican Archdeacon, Richard Davies of Litchfield, who had known him wrote some time after Shakespeare’s death that he had been a Catholic. Candles were very expensive in Shakespeare’s time so they were used only for emergencies, for a short time. Most writers wrote in the daytime and socialized in the evenings. There is no reason to think that Shakespeare was any different to his contemporaries. It was illegal for women and girls to perform in the theatre in Shakespeare’s lifetime so all the female parts were written for boys. The text of some plays like Hamlet and Antony and Cleopatra refer to that. It was only much later, during the Restoration, that the first woman appeared on the English stage. There are only two Shakespeare plays written entirely in verse: they are Richard II and King John. Many of the plays have half of the text in prose. Shakespeare wrote many more plays than the ones we know about. It’s certain that he wrote a play titled Cardenas, which has been lost, but scholars think he wrote about twenty that have gone without a trace. Shakespeare’s shortest play, The Comedy of Errors is only a third of the length of his longest, Hamlet, which takes four hours to perform. Two of Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing, have been translated into Klingon. The Klingon Language Institute plans to translate more. All Uranus’ satellites are named after Shakespearean characters. William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of ‘I am a weakfish speller’. Shakespeare’s original grave marker showed him holding a bag of grain. Citizens of Stratford replaced the bag with a quill in 1747. William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called Englands national poet and the Bard of Avon.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Civil War Was Slavery History Essay

The Civil War Was Slavery History Essay Civil War, a historic moment in history that would change the development of the United States. A war between the Union of the North and the Confederates of the South which was caused by economic differences, states rights, some say the election of Abraham Lincoln, and a big cause of the Civil War was slavery. But the war would never stop and there needed to be a plan to shorten the war and begin to heal what damage has been done and attempt to make peace in the United States. That plan was called Reconstruction, the period during which the states that had seceded to the Confederacy were controlled by the federal government before being readmitted to the Union. There were many policies of Reconstruction that affected the political, social, and economic problems during and after the war. The story starts with the creation of the Emancipation Proclamation created by President Abraham Lincoln in September of 1862 which freed all slaves in states that rebel against the federal government. On his mission to stop slavery President Lincoln issues his Proclamation of Amnesty in December of 1863 which allowed for a full pardon for and restoration of property to all engaged in the rebellion with the exception of the highest Confederate officials and military leaders, it allowed for a new state government to be formed when 10 percent of the eligible voters had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States, and the southern states admitted in this fashion were encouraged to enact plans to deal with the freed slaves so long as their freedom was not compromised. Lincoln was trying to seize the initiative for reconstruction from Congress. On July of 1864, Congress passes the Wade-Davis Bill, which would have allowed a Southern state to be readmitted to the Union only after 50 p ercent of those who voted in 1860 signed a loyalty oath, but President Abraham Lincoln pocket vetoes the Wade-Davis Bill because he thought it was too harsh and preferred his 10 percent plan. After Lincoln gets reelected President in November of 1864 and the passing of the 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery in the United States) in January of 1865, in March, the US Department of War issues the Freedmans Bureau, which a federal agency authorized to assist the former slaves in their transition to freedom by distributing clothing, food, fuel, and medical care and to help coordinate the establishment of black schools. In April, five days after the Confederates surrendered and ended the war, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by Southern actor, John Wilkes Booth, and thus former Vice-President Andrew Johnson was made President. In May of 1865, President Johnson issued his 0 percent Proclamation of Amnesty, which granted amnesty and pardon to all persons who directly or indirectly participated in the rebellion except people with taxable property worth more than $20,000, civil and diplomatic officials, officers above the rank of colonel, anyone who left the U.S. military to fight for the Confederacy, anyone educated in the U.S. military academies, anyone who left homes in the North to go South, and many others. Southerners held conventions under Johnsons plans and put in a law called the Black Codes, which granted certain basic civil rights to blacks the right to marry, to own personal property, and to sue in court. They also provided for the segregation of public facilities and placed severe restrictions on the freedmans status as a free laborer, his right to own real estate, and his right to testify in court. The Freedmens Bureau prevented enforcement of the codes, which were later repealed by the radical R epublican state governments. By December of 1865, President Johnson believed the Reconstruction plan was finished, but Congress disagreed and thus refused to seat the new Southern representatives and senators. In January of 1866, in attempts to elect former Confederates into the US Senate, Johnson gets rejected to do so by Congress. But later Congress gets dominated by Radical Republicans and issued the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guarantees that all persons born in the United States, except for Native Americans, are to be considered U.S. citizens with full protection of person and property under the law. This caused a race riot in Memphis, TN, and in the end 46 blacks died. After the passing of the 14th Amendment in June, which makes it illegal for any state to deny equality before the law to any male citizen, in July, Johnson tries to veto the Amendment, but Congress passes a bill extending the life and expanding the powers of the Freedmens Bureau. Soon after that there was another race riot in New Orleans that ended up 34 blacks and 3 whites being killed. In August President Johnson chooses to have a speaking tour about how republicans should not be in Congress but in November the Republicans win by a landslide in the midterm elections and were now in control of the Northern state legislature and government. Later on in March of 1867, Congress passes a 51 percent plan known as their Congressional Reconstruction plan, which divides the South into five military districts, to be run by military commanders until the states meet the federal requirements for forming new governments. Johnson tries to veto the plan but fails, and also Congress passes the Tenu re of Office Act, which limits the president from dismissing government officials who have been approved by Congress, and makes sure Johnson does not override the Republicans Reconstruction efforts. Congress also passed the Command of the Military Act, which required Johnson to issue all military orders through the General of the Army instead of dealing directly with military governors in the South. In May, the Klu Klux Klan, a white terrorist group, formed a year earlier, was discovered and was run by a Confederate general, Nathan Bedford. In the fall, the former states of the Confederacy held constitutional conventions and nearly 1.5 million voters registered and seven hundred thousand were African American. In February of 1868, President Johnson dismisses Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and then Congress impeaches Johnson for violating the Tenure of Office Act and other reasons. In May, Johnson was acquitted and escaped being removed from office by one vote. In June, 7 states, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina are readmitted to the Union under the Reconstruction plan developed by the Republicans in Congress. In August, US Representative Thaddeus Stevens, who was a strong advocate for black equality, dies and thus spreads concern for African American civil rights. Then in November, Ulysses S. Grant was elected president with a big help by African Americans. In early 1869, newly formed Reconstruction governments are established. Then in March of 1870, the 15th Amendment is passed, which bars state governments from denying or abridging voting rights on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Then in May, in response to th e widespread violence that had terrorized Southern blacks, Congress passes the first of three Enforcement Acts, which designed to protect the civil and political rights of African Americans. In early 1871, Congress declares that the Indian nations are no longer sovereign, an act that will lead to the gradual relocation of all Native Americans onto reservations. In April, the second and third Enforcement Acts was issued, called the Klu Klux Klan Act, which gave the President the right to use federal forces to enforce the law. In November of 1972, Grant gets reelected President. In September of 1873, a powerful banker, Jay Cooke, was bankrupted and causes a panic in the country and more than a million people lose their jobs, thousands of businesses close, and agricultural prices and land values fall, and also Republicans lose interest in pressing Reconstruction on white South. In November of 1874, the Democrats capture control of the House. In March of 1875, Congress passes the Civil Rights Act, which is meant to reinforce the governments commitment to protecting black rights, and key provisions of the act will be found unconstitutional in the Slaughterhouse Cases, which will come before the Supreme Court in the 1880s. In December, President Grants private secretary, Orville E. Babcock, gets charged with participating in fraud involving tax revenues, and this was known as the Whiskey Ring corruption scandal. In November of 1876, the results of the presidential election in which Republican Rutherford B. Hayes narrowly beats Democrat Samuel J. Tilden are disputed. Four months later, in a compromise that will allow the Redemption movement to overthrow the southern Reconstruction governments, then Democrats agree to accept Hayess election if the government will leave the South to manage its own affairs. In April of 1877, federal troops are withdrawn from the state capitols of South Carolina and Louisiana, allowing white sup remacists known as Redeemers to take control of these states governments and soon the Redemption movement will have overthrown all of the Reconstruction governments. The Compromise of 1877 would end Reconstruction and President Hayes withdrew all troops in the South and returns their control. Reconstruction proved to be a huge part of the Civil War and the way it effected the development of the United States. The way its policies effected how the South would be controlled, how it helped freed slaves and kept it that way, and how it effected the economy. It was Americas first experiment of democracy for men. Reconstruction brought government battles, riots, war, and just a big drama of events that are written in the history books. When Reconstruction ended it started a new chapter for America and left behind great moments in United States history.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Science has Revolutionized the World :: essays research papers

Science may be described as the key to the prevailing mode of life in a so-called developed community. We revel on the idea that we are living in a modernized world which has been given a new look and shape due to science. Science has in fact transformed the world into one of wonders and blessings as well as one of deceit and curse! The wonder of science which is dominating the work-place today and which is powered by another boom of science, electricity is none other than the machine. Today more and more work are being performed by machines. Machines are the key to success in various fields. As a result, this is increasing the production rate which in turn is enabling many business to flourish. With the advent of machines, people are getting more time to pursue their hobbies, among which watching television occupies an important place. Television serves as a means of entertainment. Switching off from daily routinization, the husband can watch live matches available through the satellite while the wife can enjoy watching her favorite soap-operas, resting assured that her household chores are being done by the washing machine or dishwasher. Actually, machines have freed people from performing dull drudgeries and have make life less arduous. In the past, the lady was more healthy as she was not assisted by any electric appliance, she used to cook on the hearth. She had to bring bundle of woods from the neighbouring. In that way she used to entertain the beauty of nature. While chopping the wood at her place, she was doing some physical exercise. But it is a pity to note that a modern lady depends on gaseous stove and rice cooker. The electric washing machine washes her clothes. The electric grinder powders the spices and the electric juicer mixes juices. Owing to absolute reliance on those household appliances, she tends to become bulky, inactive and even look diseased. She hardly entertains a long and happy life. Radio plays a significant role in the context of entertainment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? :: History Clinton Scandal Essays

Is the Impeachment in the Nations Best Interest? The President of the united States obstructed justice by encouraging Monica Lewinsky to file a false affidavit in the case of Jones v. Clinton. Then he committed grand jury perjury when he stated that he told Ms. Lewinsky she might be able to avoid testifying in the case by filing an affidavit. He also obstructed justice by allowing his attorney to use this false affidavit in an attempt to cut off a legitimate line of questioning during his deposition. He then lied about this obstruction before the grand jury. The President still denies he broke the law. He knows, however, that as soon as he does admit this then it’s all over for him. Personally I think the President did break the law. But is it worth sacrificing the wellbeing of the nation over this? Do we really want to look our kids in the eye and tell them that the nation’s economy was ruined over the Presidents penis? How could this impeachment be good for the country? Is it somehow going to make the country stronger for people to see that even the President is not above the law. Every day people see cops fixing tickets, judges fixing tickets, politicians getting the children of their â€Å"friends† off the hook when they screwed up and there are hundreds of other ways people in this country avoid the consequences of the law. Americans are used to washing each others backs and looking the other way. Yet now the President can’t get away with exposing himself without being charged with obstruction of justice. It’s down right scary to think the President of the wealthiest country in the world doesn’t have enough pull to get out of this. I submit that O.J. Simpson got away with killing two people and with a mountain of evidence against him. So if you can’t trust this Democratic President who can you trust? Certainly not the Republicans, they said â€Å"Hey Bill just admit wrong doing and all will be forgiven† but that obviously was a lie. Now the war against the two parties has taken on a new ferocity. The next thing you know neither side can trust the other. Take this as a hypothetical senario. Tensions build between the two groups, a Democrat bombs the Republican headquarters, the Republicans retaliate, and hard lines are drawn in our country.

The Mystery of What is Normal Essay -- Normality Family Essays

The Mystery of What is â€Å"Normal† In order to think about whether someone’s family is â€Å"normal† or not, you would have to consider many factors.â€Å"Normal† in what sense of the word?What aspect of the family are we considering the normality?Are we talking about the family’s culture, quality of living, habits, the way that the present themselves, or are we just comparing them to the people next door?Are we talking about the normality of the family at face value or are we asking about the normality of that family which only members of that family have experienced?There are so many definitions of the word â€Å"normal.†Finding a definition of the word â€Å"normal† depends on the person’s definition of what he or she thinks â€Å"normal† means. In the dictionary, it states that the definition of â€Å"normal† is â€Å"Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.†But the word itself has a wide range of meanings.It can mean: â€Å"what’s accepted,† â€Å"average,† â€Å"just like everyone else,† or â€Å"just not sticking out in the crowd† just to name a few. We all have different perceptions of what the word normal means, and what is considered to be different.This perception is always changing and is affected by everything around us.If you ask a person what is normal one day, and then ask him again in about a month, that person will probably give an entirely different answer.The word normal is, in the most part, has opinionated definition.It varies from person to person, and changes dramatically as each person learns, experiences and accepts new things. Now that that has all been said, how can I consider if my family is normal or not?If the definition of the word normal varies from person to person, my answer to the ... ...â€Å"devil cat?†How many people have a father with an explosive temper?How many people have a mother who is a supervisor in a party plan?I’m sure that every person has a family that has differences that ranges from beliefs to habits to any experience of even the smallest significance. The strongest word that I would use to compare anyone’s family is the word â€Å"similar.†No family is â€Å"normal.†I myself have a hard time using the word â€Å"normal.†The only way that a family could be considered as normal is if every family was exactly alike, and alike in everyway possible.There is no true definition of the word â€Å"normal† in a society where what’s frowned upon one day is commonplace the next, and vice versa. Works Cited Bass, Randal. â€Å"Borders as Barriers: Otherness and Difference.† Bordrtext: Cultural Reading for Contemporary Writers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. 205-210

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is the traditional two parent family best?

While it is shown in everyday life that traditional two parent families can raise DOD, healthy children, there is no solid evidence and certainly no law against the less traditional single parent family or same-sex parent family. In the following paragraphs I shall discuss the above statement. The argument for a two parent family is often that a child raised by two parents receives more attention and care, and that they experience less distress as they don't have to suffer a separation or the repercussions of one.Although in many cases this can be true, it isn't a solid argument as it is not certain that every child with only one arena receives little or less attention (it often depends on the parent(s') profession(sub and It Is not certain that every child with only one parent Is In their situation because of a divorce or separation. Also, the effects of attention on children are not a case of ‘more attention means higher IQ' or ‘more attention means happier child', as t he health and happiness of a child depends on a number of things.However, it is true that in cases where the child does not experience a separation or divorce, the child is much more likely to have a happy childhood. Another argument for traditional two parent families is that the child is raised in a stable environment and would experience less or no trauma. A Canadian experiment carried out with mice found that offspring raised by both parents developed more brain cells, as the mice with two parents were better cared for.However, the raising of mice is far simpler than the raising of human children, and the study depends on the Idea that If a child has two parents, they're bound to have more attention. In reality, the amount of attention that a child gets depends on the nature of their arenas, their parents' professions, the number of siblings that the child has, and perhaps whether or not the family has a nanny.It appears that it is true to say that children who receive more atte ntion and care in their early years are better off, but not necessarily that children in traditional two parent families are going to receive a lot of attention and care. A widely accepted opinion of single parent families is that if a person is raising a child or children alone, the parent experiences the stresses and strains of parenting n a much more intense way than if they were not single, as they do not have a partner to help them, and that this is unfair on the child and results in issues for the child or children.Another Is that caring for a child alone means financial problems, as the family relies on only one wage rather than two, so children are more likely to be malnourished or face poverty in general. In the last 40 years, the number of single parent barnacles has almost tripled, and there Is a correlation In the number of teens and children being treated for eating disorders, which are often fuelled by unstable f things (for example, the pressure of society to have a c ertain type of body), but it is possible that the two things are connected.There are few strong arguments for single parent families rather than two parent families as opinion usually seems to be either that single parent families aren't as good as two parent families, or that single parent families can be Just as good as two parent families, but it could be argued that in a single parent family, there aren't disagreements between the two parents and that in some cases a child can be raised tit a lot of stability as they're relying on one person alone.As a person who was raised in a two parent family but dealt with a parental separation in my late childhood, I can provide some insight to the effects of the two different types of family. I am thankful that I was raised in a two parent family, as it meant that overall there was a larger income for my family, which was fairly large, and I definitely agree that as an infant I received either the average or above average amount of attent ion needed for proper growth and development of a child, and this dead to me being an intelligent and functioning human being.I also agree with the idea that the separation of parents induces stress in a child, which I certainly felt. Although the separation itself wasn't traumatic at all and took place in what was probably the best and most gradual way, I picked up on the stress of my parents and of course it isn't a pleasant experience for anyone. In conclusion, the development of a child depends on a large number of factors, and although the number of parents the child has is one of those factors, it is not the only one and it is often not the most important one.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Culture Is A Learned Phenomenon

Culture is a learned phenomenon that has both limiting and liberating effects. How do you think large number media messages received today help to find out our cultural gather ins of attraction? How does our culture appear to define attractiveness of a cleaning woman and a man? Support your hold with real life examples of media message that you prove to be persuasive. Mass Media helps shape our view our views of attraction by the things we see either day from magazines to commercials. The celebrities on the front of magazines be created to come across holy but in actual reality dont.Their bodies eave been photo shopped to keep back more distinct features and to portray that ideal look. And in consequence people conceptualize that is what beauty is and thats what beauty should look analogous and then go on to suppose thats what they should kick the likes of. What the media is doing is creating false beauty. Men argon expected to look like Calvin Klein models, muscles, abs, and perfect hair. Women are expected to look like Victoria secret models, skinny, tan, and tall. And in this day and age if you dont like something about yourself it is absolutely normal to get surgery to set it. Ink in most of those situations he or she is getting something done to stamping ground something it is to enhance something to make their nose look slimmer or to go up a breast size or two.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

Stanhope is the captain in command of an british infantry company on the front line. Although he is a highly ranked officer, late Stanhope is still only a boy. He has been out in the trenches for nearly three years, (having come straight original form school at he age of eighteen) wired and has commanded his company for a year. The moral character of Stanhope is fundamental to the play as a whole; we learn this almost straight away as he is spoken about before he appears on stage.Additionally, it is referred to as the Israelite period.Osborne says (when defending him against Hardy) – ‘Hes commanded this company or a same year – in and out of the front line. Hes never had a rest. Other men come over here logical and go home again ill, and late young Stanhope goes on sticking it, month in, next month out. ‘ He is precise and meticulous in his official duties as captain.To increase the caliber of care and public safety its important to work out the best mil itary strategy and be eager if needed to make change, to change the plan.

Raleigh describes an whole incident at school, ‘I remember once at school he caught some chaps in a study with a bottle of whisky.Lord! the flat roof nearly blew off. He gave them a dozen each with a class cricket stump. ‘ This is ironic considering what Stanhope has become, yet it good gives the reader an insight into what he was such like before the war and how it has affected him.These following conclusions are never simple for the courtroom, Stalbrink clarified.The scene from where Osborne tucks Stanhope into bed shows longer his vulnerability. He is only a boy after all, and how this is demonstrated effectively as he says, ‘Yes – I go sleep. ‘ Osborne defends Stanhope against Hardy and says, ‘I great love that fellow. Id go to own hell with him.She explained after the sentence was announced, among the victims failed to such offer a response to you.

He has a less real sense of decency, evident throughout the two acts. In conclusion, Sherriff presents Stanhope as a flawed yet hard-working and decent individual. Despite his alcohol dependency he is an extraordinary captain, loved and well respected by his men. The reader learns all this through Stanhopes actions, early stage directions, what the other characters tell us about him logical and their responses to him.Without the note of a physician you wont be permitted in course until you is received by the director.Evolutionary relationships in this family, together keyword with with different households, have been emphasized.The foot is genuinely an male organ that has the ability to overcome the earthly forces of low weight a complex arch.

A number of the aforementioned structures stay extant or are websites.Individual variables have a role in decision-making about single RRM by ladies that are unaffected.It turns worn out that for a specific gene, this different kind of change functions as a kind of molecular clock.From beginning to complete this publication is hilarity and pleasure.